This was originally the blog of a first-time Mum to remember the ups and downs of my pregnancy - and chart the first year of my daughter's life. But I've kept it going, and am now a mother of two! More than anything, it helps me to get to sleep once I've emptied my brain of issues and concerns and emotions onto the laptop.
If you're reading this and also a mum- or dad-to-be, first time parent, or just someone who's thinking about it - I hope it gives a little insight into one person's experiences - good and bad....

Monday, 27 June 2011


Charlotte Jane - born 0434 on 24th June, 2011; weighing 7lb.

With the little feeding monster likely to wake for her next feed at any moment, this will be very brief until I have time to write a couple of more detailed blogs about her birth and the first few days.

Hours after a sweep at the ante-natal clinic on Thursday my labour started - we were in hospital by 8pm that night, and she arrived 8 and half hours later.  TENS machine and gas and air only, two failed attempts at a ventouse delivery - and she came out with all my might.

Since then it's been three days of feeding, feeding, feeding - not helped by the ridiculously hot weather which means she's more de-hydrated than usual. But breastfeeding seems to be going really well so far. Had really positive and reassuring home visits from a midwife and breastfeeding woman.

Just need to get her to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time so I can get a tiny bit of sleep. A grand total of about 7 hours since Thursday is not good.

Will fill in the details at a later date - but until then, Welcome to the world, Charlotte... x

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